Dear School Community,

It is the end of Term 3 and I would like to share some items with you:

Enrolments for 2020

We have already started taking enrolments for 2020. Can you please pass this information on to your friends and relatives as some year levels have limited spaces left and we would not like to see anyone miss out? We are happy to arrange campus tour for any interested families.

Father’s Day

I would also like to thank the Parents and Friends Committee for organizing the Fathers’ Day activities. I also thank those fathers who came and joined in with our activities that were designed to acknowledge our fathers. I trust they had a very good time.

Naplan Results

We received the Naplan Online 2019 results recently. Although, Naplan is not the only indicator to measure the level of the students accurately, the results still provide us some data to work on. Based on the results, most of our Year 3 and 5 students are at or above national level. Please remember that this year is the first year that our students took the exams online. I would like to congratulate the hardworking staff members and the parents for their contribution to the students’ success. And we also need to remember that we aim to prepare them for life and they need to equip with many skills and more importantly a love for learning.

Soccer Season 2019

The soccer season is over. At the beginning of Term 2 we formed four teams and each team played for about 20 matches during the season. I would like to congratulate all the players, our wonderful coaches and parents for their fantastic work throughout the season including the Gala Day. I am looking forward to 2020 season.

School Fees & Scholarship Opportunities

As a regional campus, our school fees are more affordable than other Sirius College campuses. Our campus offers 50% discount on the second child and no tuition fees for the third child and beyond. The school offers several payment options. Fees can be paid in instalments or parents can choose a direct debit option. With direct debit, a certain amount of payment can be made fortnightly or monthly. I strongly suggest all parents to make sure that they are up to date with the school payments.

All the scholarships applications must be completed online for 2020 onwards. Please read the message you received on August 14th and follow the steps if you want to apply for any scholarship including the hardship scholarship. Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you need any assistance.

Parent Teacher Interviews

In the second week of Term 4, we will hold parent teacher interviews. I believe these interviews help strengthen communication between parents and the school and have positive influences on students’ learning. We have already shared the online link with you where you book your appointments. If you miss your appointment, you can always call the school and arrange another mutually convenient time.


The reception will be completed during the term break. I would like to thank all the parents for their cooperation and patience during renovation. I believe the new reception area will serve our needs better. I also want to inform you that shade sail above the basketball court will also be completed during the holidays.

The report cards will be posted early next week. Remember that the students are more than their grades. Please encourage your child to give more emphasis on their behaviour and effort (the process) than their final grade (result).

Lastly, I encourage our students to spend the term break doing lots of exciting activities such as cycling, sightseeing, playing outdoors and reading books. I hope you all have a fun and safe break and we are all looking forward to seeing everyone in Term 4.

Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Adem Engin